

Practice Questions

What is the purpose of the `new` keyword?


The new keyword in JavaScript is used to create an instance of a user-defined object type or one of the built-in object types that has a constructor function. When you use new, it does four things: it creates a new object, sets the prototype, binds this to the new object, and returns the new object.

function Person(name) {
  this.name = name;

const person1 = new Person('Alice');
console.log(person1.name); // Alice

The purpose of the new keyword

Creating a new object

The new keyword is used to create a new instance of an object. When you call a constructor function with new, it creates a new object.

function Car(model) {
  this.model = model;

const myCar = new Car('Toyota');
console.log(myCar.model); // Toyota

Setting the prototype

The new object’s internal [[Prototype]] property is set to the constructor function’s prototype property. This allows the new object to inherit properties and methods from the constructor’s prototype.

function Animal(type) {
  this.type = type;

Animal.prototype.speak = function () {
  console.log(`${this.type} makes a sound`);

const dog = new Animal('Dog');
dog.speak(); // Dog makes a sound

Binding this to the new object

Inside the constructor function, this refers to the new object that is being created. This allows you to add properties and methods to the new object.

function Book(title) {
  this.title = title;

const myBook = new Book('JavaScript Essentials');
console.log(myBook.title); // JavaScript Essentials

Returning the new object

The new keyword implicitly returns the new object created by the constructor function. If the constructor function explicitly returns an object, that object will be returned instead.

function Gadget(name) {
  this.name = name;
  return { type: 'Electronic' };

const myGadget = new Gadget('Smartphone');
console.log(myGadget.type); // Electronic
console.log(myGadget.name); // undefined

Further reading

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